Champions Crypto-community in #teamtrees Movement Donating over $100k, the pioneering online Bitcoin casino, has pledged a massive 101,010 trees (at $1 per tree) to the ever-growing viral #teamtrees movement, which gained traction after pledging to plant 20 million trees by the beginning of 2020.
Throughout November, Bitcasino’s players were able to seize the opportunity and donate their unused Loyalty Club points to the worthy cause, all contributions were then matched, Bitcoin-for-Bitcoin by the Bitcasino team. Donations came in at just over 100k, generously placing the Bitcasino community beside the likes of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on the #teamtrees donation list.
Leading by example
Despite the campaign’s virality, only a few medium-sized tech companies have stepped up to the challenge, meanwhile, is the only crypto organisation to endorse #teamtrees. Not to miss a further opportunity to recognise their tech roots and plant more trees, Bitcasino’s team boosted the donation to $101,010, an easily recognisable binary number to tech and crypto enthusiasts alike.
Tauri Tiitsaar, Director of Bitcasino, stated:
“It’s astonishing to see just how generous our players are and we are happy to have been able to represent the crypto community in the #TeamTrees movement. By making just a small addition to our loyalty club, we were able to have such a big impact on a global cause, and want to take this as an opportunity to challenge others in our industry and community to stand together with us in raising awareness on the important topic of climate change.”
Started by American YouTuber MrBeast and quickly becoming one of the biggest fundraising challenges social media has ever seen, the #TeamTrees campaign has received donations from people all over the world, including a multitude of social media influencers and big-name entrepreneurs, including Jeffree Star, Pewdiepie and Elon Musk.
With 2019 drawing to a close, the campaign has passed the 17 million mark, with its goal already well in reach. To learn more about the #teamtrees movement and join forces with us in planting 20 million trees by the new year, visit #teamtrees